World Literature in Translation
One of your three assigned semester projects is an annotated bibliography based on SOME aspect or work
related to the time period (era) under study at the publication time in which you submit the bibliography.
For example, if you wish to submit the required annotated bibliography at the first publication date on
your syllabus, you would choose a topic related to ancient literature, such as the epic or Greek drama.
Before beginning this paper, you must decide on a topic. You should endeavor to choose a topic that is
limited. For example, rather than creating an annotated bibliography on drama generally, you would want
to do your search and compile your bibliography on one play only (such as Antigone), or on the dramatic
techiques of only one playwright (such as Sophocles). Then you will compile an ANNOTATED
BIBLIOGRAPHY. A bibliography is a list of the source information you can find on a topic. An
annotated bibliography lists the sources and describes the essential details of each source.
You may include both journal articles and books on your bibliography, but all sources that you list must be
accessible in your local libraries or available to the ordinary user on the internet. Your annotated
bibliography must contain at least ten sources on your chosen topic and will be formatted in MLA style
(Stylesheets are available both in the library and on the internet.)
Annotated Bibliography
The form of an annotated bibliography is identical to that of a regular bibliography followed by these
details of the source:
1.the main purpose of the piece*
2.a brief description of the contents*
3.possible audiences for the piece*
4.any special features
5.warnings of any defects, weaknesses, or suspected bias
*marked items are required in the annotation
The annotation should provide enough information in about 50 words for a reader to have a
fairly clear image of the work’s purpose, contents, and special value.
Jolly, Frank. “Helping Children Learn About TV.” Journal of
Communication 30.3 (1980): 84-93.
In this article, Jolly expresses dismay about the time consumed by television, especially when
children watch “inselectively.” He does admit that programming does bring language into the home
and does affect the growing child in positive ways as far as language is concerned. The article is
written for an audience of language teachers. A bar graph indicating time spent watching TV by
children at different socio-economic levels is particularly interesting.