Solving My People Puzzle: Part 1 Instructions
This learning activity (i.e., Parts 1 and 2) will provide resources for describing, developing, and managing your personality (i.e., relational style: thinking, doing, feeling, and relating to others) against the backdrop of various people puzzles (e.g., extrovert/introvert, project/people oriented, thinking/feeling/doing, etc.). Interestingly, your interpersonal arena could be described as a bumper-human world as various behavioral pressures continually bless, bother, and bruise us. Understanding that “personality pressure” is a felt experience that often reveals what makes you tick and get ticked off with different people empowers you to become personality-, emotionally-, and relationally-wise. It will come as no surprise to realize that how you think, feel, and relate differently influences your relationships, even the people-helping relationship. Keep in mind that it really does not matter what your personality is. What matters most is that you learn to control it through appropriate resources and best-fit strategies rather than allowing your personality to be in control.
Overview of Part 1
- In Part 1, you will use assigned readings, assessments (i.e., 360° Interviews; Interpersonal Communication Test; Leader/Professional DISC Profile), and 2 questions to Describe the “Me I See” and, in light of “Me’s” strengths (i.e., characteristics of a mature relational style; Carbonell, 2008, ch. 8) and short-comings (i.e., characteristics of an immature relational style; Carbonell, 2008, ch. 8), Develop a picture of the “Me I Want to See” (i.e., visualize your personality controlled/managed in the process of moving toward God’s best version of Me in Christ).
- For example, you learn of a short-coming in your “I/C’s relational style” (e.g., DISC Graph 2 assessment identification of the Me I See): A “know-it-all” attitude that has been viewed by others as invasive and inconsiderate due to his interruptive-corrective communication pattern (i.e., immature I/C relational style). Therefore, your task is to develop the picture of a maturing “Me I-C’s” with tongue and attitude under control. Simply put, your aspiration may be: The “Me I Want to See” is empathetic toward and considerate of the person on the other side of “Me.”
- In Part 1, you will also describe a Hallmark Purpose* that will govern your relational style (i.e., Me in the midst of relationships: God, self, and others). This purpose will shape “human-beingness” which in turn guides “human-doingness.”
*A hallmark purpose is a governing influence that helps people on the other side of “Me” see and remember Jesus in “Me.” It is a distinguishing mark that gives a life its stamp of authenticity. For example, “This believer is committed to being an imitator of Christ (i.e., imitate God as Christ did; Eph. 5: 1, 2) and through a lifestyle of imitation, aspires to influence others toward Christ and subsequent imitation (i.e., illustrate Christ; 1 Cor. 11:1).” See SMPP Part 1: Question 2, HMP Tip for more details.
- In Solving My People Puzzle Part 2: The you must anticipate applying insights from Part 1 to a counseling relationship (i.e., a pre-determined care-seeker from the case study—Crossroads: A Story of Forgiveness; see Module/Week 1, Reading & Study) and a mentor/mentee relationship (i.e., identify & solicit participation from a specific mentor).
You will complete this assignment in 2 parts; feedback and assessment will be provided through 2 submissions of Solving My People Puzzle (SMPP). The following outline identifies essential components of the SMPP Part 1: Describing My Relational Style Report.
(Solving My People Puzzle: Part 1 is due by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Sunday of Module/Week 2.)
Template Components of Part 1: Describing My Relational Style Report
- Correct file name for word document (i.e., PACO500_SMPP1_YourInitials)
- Cover Sheet
- Abstract (current APA format)
- Table of Contents
- Introduction (Do not use heading. The first paragraph is assumed to be the introduction.)
- 360° Interviews (i.e., at least 2; see Appendix A)
- Interpersonal Communication Skills Test Snapshot (use the Snipping Tool or the Print Screen function to capture image snapshot)
- Snapshots of DISC Dot Charts (Graph 1-This is Expected of Me and Graph 2 – This is Me)
- SMPP Part 1 Questions/Answers; consider using an annotated outline approach (i.e., bulleted full sentence explanations grounded appropriately in our materials through citations/References; for Annotated Outline details, see Discussion Board Guidelines and Tips and Final Project Instructions)
- Conclusion (i.e., the “So What?!” or closing argument of your study)
- References (at least 6 sources will be cited; place References on its own page)
- AxiomSoftware: DiSC Profile Interpretations
- How My Graph Became a Dot
- How to Solve the People Puzzle
- Professional/Leadership DISC Profile
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- Why Don’t We Listen Better?
- Grading Rubric (on its own page)