(Solved) In Part 2 of Solving My People Puzzle, the student will describe best fit strategies for the development and management of relational styles.

Solving My People Puzzle: Part 2 Instructions

This learning activity (i.e., Parts 1 and 2) will provide resources for describing, developing, and managing your personality (i.e., relational style: thinking; doing, feeling; and relating to others) against the backdrop of various people puzzles (e.g., extrovert/introvert; project/people oriented; thinking/feeling/doing, etc.). Interestingly, our interpersonal arena could be described as a bumper-human world as various behavioral pressures continually bless, bother, and bruise us. Understanding that “personality pressure” is a felt experience that often reveals what makes us tick and get ticked off with different people empowers us to become personality-, emotionally-, and relationally-wise. It comes as no surprise to realize that how we think, feel, and relate differently will influence our relationships, even the people-helping relationship. Keep in mind that it really does not matter what your personality is. What matters most is that you learn to control it through appropriate resources and best fit strategies rather than allowing your personality to be in control.

Overview of Part 2:

  • In Part 2, the student will demonstrate fit by aligning his particular relational style with each of the main D.I.S.C styles.This process informs an important query: “How to Become the Me I Want to Be?” The student will discuss how his/her particular style evidences attention to each styles’ strengths, blindspots, listening patterns, as well as style preferences and priorities.
  • In Part 2, in anticipation of this course’s counseling scenario, the student will demonstrate fit with a predetermined careseeker (i.e., Bruce, Joshua, Brody, Justin, or Melissa) from the case study Crossroads: A Story of Forgiveness (see Module/Week 1 > Reading & Study).
  • Finally, the student will identify and solicit a person to be the mentor in this project. As a result of taking 2 free abridged assessments (i.e., DISC and MBT-I), a common behavioral language will be used in the mentorship. This action supports student’s efforts to “Become the Me I Want to Be.”

(Solving My People Puzzle: Part 2 is due by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Sunday of Module/Week 3.)

The following outline identifies essential components of the SMPP Part 2: Developing and Managing My Relational Style Report.

Template Components of Part 2: Developing and Managing My Relational Style Report

  • Correct file name for word document (i.e., PACO500_SMPP2_StudentInitials)
  • Cover Sheet
  • Abstract
  • Table of Contents
  • Introduction (Do not use this heading. The first paragraph is assumed to be the introduction.)
  • Mentor’s DISC and M-BTI Confirmation
  • Student’s M-BTI Report
  • SMPP Part 2 Questions/Answers (Consider using an annotated outline approach; i.e., bulleted full sentence explanations grounded appropriately in course materials through citations/References. For Annotated Outline details, see Discussion Board Guidelines and Tips and Final Project Instructions)
  • Conclusion (i.e., the “So What?!” or closing argument of your study)
  • References (at least 8 sources will be cited; place References on its own page)
    • com
    • com
    • Professional/Leader DISC Profile
    • How to Solve the People Puzzle
    • Why Don’t We Listen Better?
    • com/discstrengths
    • com
    • com
  • Grading Rubric (on its own page)

SMPP Part 2 Instructions:

In Part 2 of Solving My People Puzzle, the student will describe best fit strategies for the development and management of relational styles. Directions are provided below.

  • Now that you have gained a basic understanding of your relational style, refer to Part 1 as necessary to complete Part 2. If necessary, add to or clarify the Part 1 Report before writing this paper. For example, Part 2 includes the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (M-BTI) assessment (i.e., “HumanMetrics”). After completing that assessment, you may want to add further insight to your Part 1 information. Review Kollar’s (2011) discussion of the M-BTI (ch. 17) after taking the M-BTI.
  • Identify and solicit a wise person for mentorship. This person may ultimately secure and support your personal and professional growth and development; for now, he/she will only need to help you complete this assignment:
    • On the first day of the module/week, email this person requesting partnership in completing this assignment. Since language is everything in the development of an effective mentorship, ask him/her to take 2 free assessments (include directions and links below) and to email confirmation of completion with a concise identification of his/her DISC (e.g., I have a dominant cautious temperament: DC) and M-BTI (e.g., I am typed as an extrovert who prefers to think from the gut and not have more than 1 or 2 things unfinished at a time: ENTJ) indexes. As a result, common language will be acquired to help both effectively engage a future mentorship. Ask for email confirmation to be returned within 2 days of receipt.

A short, free M-BTI assessment (Jung Personality Test) may be taken through the following link: http://similarminds.com/jung.html

Ignore initial prompt for age description; only give attention to questions under this heading:

  • Refresh your relational style description by comparing/contrasting your DISC description with a different version of the M-BTI assessment (i.e., free “HumanMetrics”). Self-administer this assessment, capture the brief report, and paste it on to the page after your mentor’s report. To go immediately to this free assessment, click on http://www.HumanMetrics.com/cgi-win/JTypes1.htm. Click on “DO IT” button. Your HumanMetrics score will look like the material pasted below. Explore the web links provided to explain more about your type.

INTJ type description by D.Keirsey
INTJ Career Choices by Jung Career Indicator™
INTJ type description by J. Butt and M.M. Heiss

Qualitative analysis of your type formula

You are:

  • distinctively expressed introvert
  • moderately expressed intuitive personality
  • moderately expressed thinking personality
  • distinctively expressed judging personality

After the “HumanMetrics” is completed, compare your DISC profile with the MBTI through the following web site: http://www.internalchange.com/PPSMBO-231.pdf

Concisely answer the following questions in your Part 2 template. Support (i.e., cite) your answers by remaining closely connected to the readings and assessment information according to APA Guidelines (e.g., in-text citations and References).

SMPP Part 2 Questions:

  1. How will you demonstrate fit with each of the primary DISC styles (i.e., D-I-S-C)?

Your answer will inform the process of “Becoming the Me I Want to Be” in various relational contexts.


  • Remain alert to your relational style challenges (e.g., blindspots: overuse of a strength or an unmanaged shortcoming) as you demonstrate fit with the potential challenges of each style
  • Concise strategy identifies alignment needs and resources with appropriate insight and technique
  • Evidence of Hallmark Purpose’s influence with appropriate application of spiritual formation truths, insights, and techniques

TIP: Before responding to question 1, use the following links to increase your ability to respond rather than react to the 4 styles; cite accordingly:


  • Be alert to different styles’ preferences and priorities in the learning process


  1. How will you communicate and connect with a predetermined care-seeker from the case study?

Your answer will inform the process of relational alignment in this course’s counseling scenario.


  • Identify care-seeker from case study (i.e., Bruce, Josh, Brody, Melissa, or Justin)
  • Identify and briefly describe care-seeker’s relational style
  • Demonstration of fit should provide evidence of care-seeker’s potential strengths, shortcomings, and interpersonal challenges (i.e., apply Q#1 insights; review Case Study & Why Don’t We Listen Better?)
  1. How will you communicate and connect with your mentor?

Your answer will inform an initial mentorship as well as positively influence future mentor/mentee relationships.


  • Mentor assessment information
  • Strategy for communicating and connecting with mentor should noticeably evidence DISC and M-BTI relational style alignment

SMPP Part 1 Instructions

  • On the first day of Module/Week 2, email the 360° Interviews (the interview template is located in Course Content>Assignment Instructions; see Appendix A for sample) to at least 2 people that know you well enough to answer the interview questions. Request interviews to be returned within 2 days through email attachment.
  • Copy/paste all typed interviews into your “Solving My People Puzzle: Part 1: Describing My Relational Style Report” with sufficient organizational clarity to aid reader assessment. This will likely require at least 2 pages.
  • Self-administer the online Interpersonal Communication Skills Test (see Appendix B sample) and use the Snipping Tool or the Print Screen function (see below) to copy/paste the SnapShot report on to the page following your 360° Interviews.

* If you are not familiar with capturing an image from a website or an online document, there are 2 methods you may use:

  1. Snipping Tool: This is installed by default on all Windows 7 and Windows Vista operating systems. You can find it by going to Start Menu à All Programs à Accessories à Snipping Tool.
    • To “snip” part of your screen:
      • Open the Snipping Tool (Your screen will go “whiteish”
      • Use the cursor to drag a box around what you want “snipped”
      • When you release your mouse button it will open the “snip” in a new window
      • You can save as a file, copy, or perform other options
  1. Print Screen: This allows you to take a screenshot of everything that is on your screen
  • To take a screenshot
    • Press the “PrtSc” button on your keyboard (This “copies” your screen)
    • Open a blank Microsoft Word document
    • Click the “Paste” button
    • Save the document
  • Online registration is required to take the 10-minute interpersonal communication skills test (25 questions) at the following website: http://testyourself.psychtests.com/testid/2151
  • The free snapshot of results provided is sufficient to develop talking points in the “Solving My People Puzzle” (SMPP) assignment. If desired, a full report with interpretation is available for purchase (online report $4.95; an additional PDF version is $1.95 extra; price subject to change). Credit card or PayPal accepted.
  • Self-Administer the online Professional/Leadership DISC Profile (Expanded Version-Standard) from Uniquely You Resources, Inc.
  • Locate the assessment login code in How to Solve the People Puzzle.
    • NOTE: As stated in the Syllabus, this text must be purchased NEW (i.e., Paperback format) in order to have a live assessment code from Uniquely You Resources.
  • Go to uniquelyyou.com. On the left hand side of the page, click on Code Login, enter your code and submit. If you have previously taken an online profile with Uniquely You, simply login. If you have not, click on new user and set up a new account; save your login information for future use. This should take you directly to your survey.
    • Make sure to give careful attention to assessment instructions. Typically, the directions ask that you answer all questions with what you are MOST often and LEAST often like under pressure.
    • For example, as a ministerial student handling responsibilities in the midst of life, describe what you are like most of the time and what you are least like most of the time. Do not answer based on what you want to be or what you think others want you to be; just answer according to what you are like most of the time and least like most of the time. See example questions below and notice you must choose one response in each column.
  • You will see two buttons at the bottom of each assessment page. Do NOT select the SAVE button – the assessment will think you have completed it. Instead, select the CONTINUE button! DO NOT USE YOUR BROWSER BUTTONs.
  • After completing the assessment, save it as a PDF to your desktop.
  • If you have any questions or problems, please contact Uniquely You @ 800-501-0490, Monday-Friday, 9–5 EST or Laura Long @ laura@myuy.com. Do not ask Laura to convert documents or create charts or screen shots for you.
  • Capture a screenshot of the Dot Charts for Graph 1 “This is Expected of Me” and Graph 2 “This is Me” and paste onto page after your Interpersonal Communication Skills Test Snapshot. See example snapshots of both Dot Graphs below:
  • Once assessment information has been collected and placed in template, concisely answer the following questions. Support (i.e., cite) your answers by remaining closely connected to the course readings and assessment information within APA research-based guidelines (i.e., use in-text citations and References).

SMPP Part One Questions

  1. Who is the “Me I See”?

Before attempting to answer this question, take a few moments and view the following links to gain an overall understanding of the DISC:



To learn more about how your behavioral pressure is influenced by priorities, reflect on How My Graph Became a Dot: http://www.inscapepublishing.com/downloads/HowMyGraphBecameaDot_AT.pdf

Concisely describe the “Me I See” in DISC Graph 2 (i.e., This is Me). This description should identify your primary DISC style and delineate a basic overview. Use Carbonell’s (2008) How to Solve the People Puzzle to include insights about strengths (evidence of maturation) and shortcomings (evidence of lacking maturation). Examine all chapters related to your primary DISC index, especially the Case Studies.

Further insight may be gained by entering your High Factor dot plots in the following DISC profile interpretation link and click Interpret: http://www.axiomsoftware.com/disc/interpretations/interactive-guide-to-disc-profile-interpretation.php

Finally, your description of the Me I See must integrate insights about your interpersonal patterns (i.e., helpful and harmful) from the 360s and Petersen’s (2007) Why Don’t We Listen Better? (e.g., flat-brain tango tendencies; communication insights, traps, techniques, etc). Make sure the description of the Me I See is a description without judgment or critique. Simply seek to understand rather than fix.

  1. What Hallmark Purpose (** see HMP Tip) will govern your personality (i.e., relational style)?
  2. Identify a crisp hallmark purpose (i.e., 1 concise sentence). For example, “This student wants to be an imitator of Christ.”
  3. Concisely describe the purpose guiding the development and management of your relational style. For example, “To be an imitator of Christ, this student must purpose to possess his soul (i.e., entire person) through a process of training-in new life-style patterns (i.e., attitudes, actions, emotions, communicating and connecting style) that help those on the other side of ‘me’ to remember the Jesus in ‘me.’”
  4. Provide a truth-based rationale for choosing this hallmark purpose (i.e., ground the rationale in the readings and Scripture through appropriate citation; no more than 3 sentences). For example, “According to Kollar (2011), this student’s relational style cannot be developed and managed until he aligns his thinking with God’s intention (p. 49). According to Inspiration, it is God’s intention that this believer make every effort (i.e., exercise and develop; 2 Peter 1: 5, 10, 15) to imitate God as Christ demonstrated (i.e., be imitators; Eph. 5:1) so that those on the other side of ‘me’ are influenced toward Christ (i.e., Paul inspired others to imitation; 1 Cor. 11:1).”

**HMP Tip: How to Construct your Hallmark Purpose

A hallmark purpose is a governing influence that helps people on the other side of “Me,” see and remember Jesus in “Me.” It is a distinguishing mark that gives a life its stamp of authenticity. For example, “This believer is committed to being an imitator of Christ (i.e., imitate God as Christ did; Eph. 5: 1,2) and through a lifestyle of imitation, aspires to influence others toward Christ and subsequent imitation (i.e., illustrate Christ; 1 Cor. 11:1).”

Our Lord’s hallmark purpose in life was to be the ultimate glorifier of His Father by seeking, serving, and saving the lost (e.g., Inspiration Considerations: Mark 10:45; Lk. 19:10; Jn. 17:4). His discussion of doing in Scripture often moved from “being-ness” to “doing-ness” (e.g., …whoever wants to be (i.e., do great)…must be (i.e., a servant)…” Mark 10:35–45).

  • If a hallmark purpose is too general and focused on doing, it will not BE specific enough to assist in “Becoming Who You Want to Be.”
  • Consider the hallmark purposes of a few spiritual formation experts: “I am committed to being an imitator of Christ in every area of my life, especially as a considerate husband” (Dr. Ron Hawkins; personal conversation), or as Dan Doriani (2001) stated, “I am committed to becoming a man after God’s heart, especially as a considerate husband” (The Life of a God-Made Man), or as John Piper (2006) stated, “If God is to be glorified in my life, then I must become satisfied in Him” (A Godward Life), or as Ken Boa (2001) simply stated, “…to be a lover and servant of God and others” (Conformed to His Image).
  • If a hallmark purpose is crystal clear, micro-purposes are easily created and managed by its influence. Avoid setting your sights on the work; target being the worker that pleases his/her Lord in the midst of relationships.
  1. Who is the “Me I want to See?” (Reflect on what you have gleaned from Q1 and Q2.)
    • Develop a crisp picture of the “Me I want to See” (e.g., “As an imitator of Christ, this man wants to be a considerate husband”).
    • Explain how the hallmark purpose’s governing influence assists in the development of the picture of the “Me I Want to See.” Develop the picture without any action plan discussion as it belongs in Solving My People Puzzle Part 2 (i.e., this is not about fixing a problem but picturing its absence).

Against the backdrop of the example above (see “e.g.,”), a former PACOneer stated: “The governing influence of this writer’s hallmark purpose helped to check his high CS behavioral pressure (Carbonell, 2008, p. 303). In reality, his ‘DSc’ wife has proven many times over that she can do a project correctly; yet, like a malfunctioning automaton, this husband has a tendency to ask if she did this or did that. This lover of her soul does not mean to be insulting or intimate that he does not trust her to do a job well, but she perceives it that way. Bottom line, the wife views this behavior as being inconsiderate.”

Thankfully, the student’s hallmark purpose became a mid-wife to a micro-purpose and set the stage for him to become a considerate husband. Under the influence of this purpose, the Spirit used Inspiration (i.e., noticeable sweet reasonableness; Phil. 4: 5) to remind the husband that God intends for him to relax, flex, and allow a completed project to be enjoyed rather than inspected. The pursuit of the imitation of Christ, developed a picture that was in sharp contrast to his former thera-noxious (Petersen, 2007, p. 212) CS pattern.


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