Signs that a database attack has occurred.

discuss in no less than three paragraphs, and have at least one response to another student of at least one paragraph:

Describe  the most prominent signs that a database attack has occurred. Suggest  the main steps that one would take to recover from such an attack. Next,  propose one strategy you would use to prevent such attacks. 

Also, Response to Class discussion:

David : 20minATM

 A new article surfaced on my feed.  The article raises awareness of  the security flaws with ATMs.  Surprisingly, the attacks do not take  much time as expected.  An alarming percentage of ATMs allowed an  attacker to have access to its network.  Many of these attacks used  different spoofing methods to gain access.  Physical attacks were also  implemented to gain different access.  In the end, several of the  attacks allowed cash to be dispensed on command.

     An alarming amount of the attacks were successful.  According to  experts, they said, “that 85 percent of the ATMs they tested allowed  the attacker access to the network” (Cimpanu, 2019, p. 1).  The experts  said that the usual attack took under 15 minutes to complete.  Attackers  could also target other network devices connected to the same network.   Gaining access to the network is usually the slower approach.  There  was a faster method called Black Box attacks.  This attack “is when a  hacker either opens the ATM case or drills a hole in it to reach the  cable connecting the ATM’s computer to the ATM’s cash box” (Cimpanu,  2019, p. 1).  From this point, the attacker could attach a tool to  tricking the ATM to dispense money when prompted.

     In conclusion, ATM vulnerability is not that surprising.   Come  to think of it; when I look around at ATMs, they do not appear to have  changed much.  The attacks are not as complicated as cracking some  enterprise environment.  Odd to not hear more attacks on such a  vulnerable system.  I assume the close association with banking  institutions and law enforcement is a natural deterrent. 

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