1. If Romans 1:16-17 is the proposition of the entire letter, provide detailed exegetical support for this position by leading the reader through how each major section of the letter supports (agrees with) this proposition.
2. Romans 2:1-11 seems to suggest that judgment is according to deeds. Explain the apparent contradiction with Paul’s later insistence that faith alone justifies the individual before God. You will need to provide exegetical support for your conclusion from the letter to the Romans, but should also bring in other relevant NT texts.
3. The ‘fate of the heathen’ (the eternal destiny of those who have never heard the Gospel) is a difficult and highly controversial issue in the Church. Following Romans 2:12-16 primarily, explain your perspective on this matter, bringing in other relevant Pauline texts and in all cases, providing detail support for your position.
4. In Romans 3:21-26, Paul provides three metaphors to explain the righteousness declaration for those who believe in Jesus (justified, propitiation/atonement, and redemption/ransom). Explain how each of these would have been understood by Paul’s first-century Roman audience. Next, provide detailed evaluation as to whether or not the NT employs other metaphorical language regarding the righteousness declaration given to believers. Last, explain with support if you would allow for contemporary, non first-century metaphors as useful for communicating this reality (and what these might be).
5. What is happening in Romans 7:7-25? Be sure to interact with the different views as you set forth your own view.
6. Based upon your study of Romans, paying careful attention to Romans 9-11, explain and support your current view on the issues of foreknowledge, predestination, and election. Be sure to interact with other views.
7. Based upon the common evaluation of Paul’s indicative-to-imperative practice (as seen as well in his Prison Epistles), explain in detail why the imperative section of Romans 12-15 begins so late and what Paul’s rationale might be for doing so.
8. Based on Romans 13, what is your view of the Christian’s role in culture and civic affairs and politics? Be sure to think in terms of the congregation, of the Christian in the community of the church and not just as an individual. Be sure to interact with other views.
9. Explain in detail how Paul deals with the issue of adiaphora (‘things indifferent’) in Romans 14. Explain the flow of Paul’s reasoning in this chapter and how the basic principles presented by Paul are useful in handling issues related to adiaphora today.