Review, reflect and respond

Review this week’s course materials and learning activities, and reflect on your learning so far this week.

Respond to one or more of the following prompts in one to two paragraphs:

  1. Choose a topic from this week’s course materials, and summarize what you learned about the topic. Provide citation and reference to the material(s) you discuss. Describe what you found interesting regarding this topic, and why.
  2. Discuss a key knowledge, skill, or ability you gained from your learning this week. Describe how you will apply that learning in your daily life, including your work life.
  3. Describe 2 to 3 ideas, topics, or concepts from this week’s course materials for which you would like to learn more, and why. Describe what may be unclear to you, and what you would like to learn.

Students need to contribute two substantive posts in this discussion by the due date indicated. The substantive posts can be any combination of responses and replies.

Peer 1

Discuss a key knowledge, skill, or ability you gained from your learning this week. Describe how you will apply that learning in your daily life, including your work life.

This week I learned about SCM Basic Concepts and Integration,Relationship between SCM,ERP and CRM.

Supply chain management drives companies to streamline the ways they manufacture, distribute, and sell products and finally will change the strategies of firm. The supply chain cycle starts with a customer’s requirement and the manufacturer delivers the order through the process of the firm.

SCM is integrated greatly with internal functions of the enterprises that may include HR, sales and marketing, manufacturing, and finance through Enterprise Resource Planning Systems (ERP).

From now on In my work life definitely I will focus on looking at the system from bigger picture and start work on presenting solutions for CRM implementation for the future projects for better visibility and understanding of the system, right now in my current company we do not have CRM, This is the correct time to do CRM implementation for the current proposed projects. Centralized Data Source, and connect all applications to that data pool and provide services to customer so that personalization can be achieved easily. Current in my daily life i am working and helping my friend on a order meal project, I will surely implement SCM for greater efficiency.

Reference :

Peer 2

  1. Choose a topic from this week’s course materials, and summarize what you learned about the topic. Provide citation and reference to the material(s) you discuss. Describe what you found interesting regarding this topic, and why.

I think one area that stood out from this week’s learning are the technologies that our texts bring up that are reinventing the supply chain. One particular technology that I found interesting was Radio-frequency identification or RFID. RFID are electronic tags and labels that are used to identify objects over short distances wirelessly. To be able to store information on this type of technology and making them into mini-databases can be pretty powerful. It gives businesses the ability to track their products from anywhere within the supply chain just by gathering the information on each RFID chip. Pennsylvania even started to use RFID on the state safety and inspection stickers for vehicles. This way they can have better logistics tracking on the stickers that have been issued along with giving police a better system to regulate violators. Another reason on why this kind of technology is pretty powerful is due to the fact the it’s pretty inexpensive to implement. Here is a link to a site that show one on how to build their own RFID reader to implement into their own closets (Baltzan, 2017):

References: Baltzan, P. (2017). Business driven technology (7th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill/Irwin.

Peer 3

  1. Choose a topic from this week’s course materials, and summarize what you learned about the topic. Provide citation and reference to the material(s) you discuss. Describe what you found interesting regarding this topic, and why.

I found that A supply chain management system organizes the tasks involved in the supply chain process. The factors in the supply chain process include the product manufacturer, the wholesaler, the distributor and the retailer. The objectives of a supply chain management system are to increase customer value and to develop a reliable advantage over the competition. Small businesses that take part in supply chain management activities must understand how they fit into the system and how they can accomplish their appointed tasks.

The advent of Internet technology has enabled businesses to communicate with each other with unprecedented speed and clarity. The U.S. Department of Agriculture developed a Web-based solution for farmers and ranchers seeking to communicate with distributors and wholesalers. The Web-Based Supply Chain Management System consists of commercially available software packages that provide an integrated system to purchase, track and order agricultural products. The Internet-based system allows all the participants in the supply chain to obtain the information they need.


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