Describe the impact that participating in the dissection of a corpse had on you.
Identify your personal values and beliefs related to human life and death and reflect on the ways Dissection Week has challenged these.
Identify what you have learnt from your reflection.
Complete the assignment in 600 words
Clear and comprehensive description of the impact on self of participating in the dissection of a corpse
15 -20
Deeply insightful reflection on how dissection week has challenged personal values/beliefs in relation to human life and death
39 -50
Clearly identifies and describes personal learning arising from this reflection.
Assignment Learning Outcomes
By the end of this assignment, students should be able to;
- Value the written reflective process.
- Reflect on areas of doubt or uncertainty with respect to whole body dissection.
- Identify personal learning from reflecting on dissection week.
Background and Rationale
Bond University Medical Students are scheduled to attend Griffith University for one week of cadaver dissection. This provides an extremely valuable learning opportunity and helps students to learn anatomy first hand.
For many students, the dissection of a corpse is confronting and challenging both educationally and emotionally. Students are given preliminary briefing and preparative advice by Professor Wally Wood in a session entitled “Celebrating Life/Confronting Death”, where Professor Wood is joined by other medical faculty.
Attendance at this lecture is compulsory for the following reasons:
- This lecture contains essential psychological and emotional preparation and discusses the ethics of dealing with deceased persons and body donation.
- In Phase 4 you will attend Queensland Health’s Forensic and Scientific Services (FSS) to learn about autopsies and will have an opportunity to view a post mortem. This lecture given by Professor Wally Wood is a compulsory pre-requisite for attending FSS.
- Students will receive a Dissection Week manual which provides additional time prior to the start of Dissection Week to prepare for the lessons given and tasks required.
Assignment Instructions
Examine your experience of Dissection Week
- Describe the impact that participating in the dissection of a corpse had on you.
- Identify your personal values and beliefs related to human life and death and reflect on the ways Dissection Week has challenged these.
- Identify what you have learnt from your reflection.
- Complete the assignment in 600 words
Submission requirements:
Format– Assignments must be in the following format and order.
- A completed cover sheet for the assignment
- Name to be inserted
- Assignment title
- Academic’s name
- Due date
- Complete the SID boxes to indicate that you abide by the Plagiarism policy
- Your assignment
- Times New Roman in size 12
- Double spacing to be used
- Each line is to be numbered. This can be done automatically through Page Layout
- Assignment Criteria sheet
- Name and student ID to be inserted
Electronic submission as follows:
- One PDF file as stipulated above.
- Name the file using Theme/your surname and initial / semester /assignment number as the title of the file. The semester/assignment number will be on the cover sheet.
PPD/Brown E/7.2 would be the second PPD assignment for semester 7 submitted by student E. Brown.
Useful websites to convert your word to PDF include:
- Email with assignment attached as a PDF document to
It is your responsibility to ensure that you use the correct email address. It is recommended that you request a delivery receipt (Options tab) as proof of submission. Individualised email acknowledgement that assignment submissions have been received will not be given.
Return of Results
Your results will be emailed to your Bond student email account.
Due date: Week 10: 4pm Friday 22nd July 2011
This assignment is compulsory and worth 50% of your Semester 4 PPD mark.
The late lodgement penalty will be a loss of 10% of total marks per semester day. No mark will be awarded if submitted 1 week after the due date.