Psychology 200
I need the reaction paper ASAP
Please answer all parts of the question for full credit. There are 6 questions.
- In class and in the text, we talked about how behavior is multiply determined, that is, there are many things that can cause any one of our behaviors, and these things often act together. Pick an everyday behavior that you do frequently, and try to explain why you do it from cognitive, biological, evolutionary, and cultural perspectives.
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Reaction Papers à Multimedia folder à Experimental demo àLink to file à Experimental methods (opens a new tab or window) this is the link
This program is a good little demonstration of an experiment that you can do with your friends. It uses an optical illusion, you have to adjust two lines until they are equal length. Work through this by yourself first, then try to recruit a couple of friends to serve as participants (anyone can serve as a participant: roommates, parents, children, etc.). It only takes a few minutes, and try to vary the angle of the arrowheads as much as you can. Please write a brief summary of the results of your experiment. In your summary, please be sure to say 1) what the independent variable is, 2) what the dependent variable is, and 3) what pattern emerged about the relationship between the independent and dependent variables.
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PsykTrek 3.0 à Weiten: PsykTrek 3.0 Online (which should open a new tab or window) àSelect Unit 10 à Select Module 10 c (Humanistic Theory) à Watch the learning objectives and the interactive module (all 3 sub-programs).
Please watch the entirety of PsykTrek Unit 10, Module c on Humanistic Theory. This module discusses the characteristics of self-actualizing people. Please make a list of all 13 characteristics (you’ll probably need to stop the program on this slide). Then, say which 3 characteristics you are strongest in, and why you think you are strong in them. Then say which 1 characteristic you think you need to work on, and develop a brief plan for how to work on it. This is the link
- What is an example from your life when the “undermining effect” happened to you. Be sure to clearly explain the example and demonstrate what was undermined by what. The undermining effect is not defined in the textbook (although it is explained in there); you’ll have to check your class notes for it.
- Please log on to Blackboard and follow this path to view a program.
PsykTrek 3.0 à Weiten: PsykTrek 3.0 Online (which should open a new tab or window) àSelect Unit 4 à Select Module 4 c (Abused drugs and their effects) à Watch the learning objectives and the interactive module. This is the link
Please watch the entirety of PsykTrek Unit 4, Module c, Abused drugs and their effects. Please note that this module uses synonyms for the drugs compared to the textbook. (Narcotics are the same things as opiates, and sedatives are the same things as depressants.) The objective of this module is for you to be able to summarize the effects and risks of each of the 5 types of drugs. Please make a list of 1) the type of drugs, 2) the common specific drugs, 3) the desired effects, 4) risk of psychological and physical dependence, 5) the percent of drug related deaths caused by this family of drugs. After compiling this information, please write one paragraph about how your views on drug use may have changed because of this new information.
- Overall, how would you evaluate Dr. Osbaldiston’s teaching in terms of a) content, b) style and c) professionalism?