Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA) standard

Unit III assessment

Unit III Annoucement- Subpart G, H, and I

Last week we looked at Subparts D, E, and F of the OSHA Standards.  This week’s lesson we will look at the next three subparts: G, H, and I.

The Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA) standards can be loosely divided into two categories: safety standards and health standards. The difference is that safety standards typically prevent injury through design specifications, and health standards prevent illness that may develop from long-term exposure to specific hazards.  In last week’s lesson, we focused on a few safety standards.  This week we will begin incorporating some health standards as well as some standards that combined both health and safety.

Subpart G covers Occupational Health and Environmental Controls.  This subpart refers to the workplace environment and covers issues such as ventilation, occupational noise control, and non-ionizing radiation.

Subpart H includes several complex safety/health issues that address the storage and handling of flammable materials, process safety management, and hazardous waste operations.

Subpart I is the use of personal protective equipment to protect employees from workplace hazards.  PPE should be considered the last line of defense.  As part of the update to subpart D, walking-working surfaces, OSHA has also included an update to subpart I (Fall Protection) into their final rule.  You will see changes to the fall protection portion of Subpart I when Subpart D is released.

I know we covered a lot of standards this week.  You do not need to be an expect in all of the standards, our focus for this course is to become familiar with what OSHA standards exist and how you can easily find them.


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