two part assignment each assignment needs to be separated
part 1 case – needs to be two pages long
India is emerging as one of the world’s most rapidly developing economic powerhouses. India’s stock market is the eighth largest in the world. There are over 7,000 companies listed on the Indian stock exchange and it is considered as one of the most liquid stock markets in the world. In addition, Indian debt market is one of the largest markets in Asia. The most distinguishing feature of the debt instruments of Indian debt market is that the return is fixed. However, not everyone agrees on the outlook of the Indian stock and debt markets.
For this assignment, take a look at the Indian stock and bond markets. Read the information in the background material, look for more information, and then write a three to five page paper answering the following questions:
Do you think an investment in the Indian stock market is a good long-term investment?
Do you think an investment in the Indian debt securities is a good investment?
Please explain your reasoning using concepts from the Background Information.
Case Assignment Expectations:
In Module 5 Case Assignment, you are expected to:
Describe the purpose of the paper and conc
Provide a quality argument; that is, no poor sentence structure, no spelling and grammar mistakes or run-on sentences.
Provide citations to support your argument and references on a separate page. Please use APA format to provide citations and references [ ;]
Answer all the case assignment questions in an essay format instead of point format. Please do not type questions in the paper.
Type and double space the paper.
The following criteria will also be used to assess your paper:
>Breadth (comprehensive quality of written paper)
>Depth (deepness of thought)
>Precision (doing what asked to do)
>Clarity (clearness of thought)
Critical thinking (application of logic and intellectual criteria such as clarity, creditability, accuracy, precision, relevance, depth, breadth, and significance)
In the course of preparing your paper, you will probably want to think about, among other things, the points such as:
Benefits of stock investment in India,
Risks of stock investment in India
Benefits of investment in the Indian debt securities,
Risks of investment in the Indian debt securities, etc.
Case Assignment Readings:
Dhanda, A. (2009). Spice up your portfolio and invest in India. Newcastle-upon-Tyne (UK), pg.34. Retrieved November, 2010, from (2009). In-depth understanding of Indian stock market. Retrieved November, 2010, from
Duniyah (2008). Investing in the Indian stock market – factors to watch. Retrieved November, 2010, from Investing/articles/54/Investing Indian Stock Market Factors watch (2010). Bombay stock exchange. Retrieved November, 2010, from (2010). Guide for Investors. Retrieved November, 2010, from
Please review the following sources to understand the investment in the Indian debt securities:
Johnson, B. (2010). How does the bond market work? Retrieved November, 2010, from (2010). India debt market. Retrieved November, 2010, from (2010). FAQs on the debt markets. Retrieved November, 2010, from on the Debt Markets.pdf
part two slp – must be two pages long
For this module, look at some of the AMEX International Indexes [] to invest some of your imaginary money in. Look under exchange traded funds (ETFs) for information about their international indices. Write a two page paper with the following:
Which index (or indices) did you chose, and why? What criteria did you use?
How much did you chose to invest, and why? Explain how this fits into your overall portfolio of $95,000.
Session Long Project (SLP) Expectations:
In Module 5 SLP, you are expected to:
Describe the purpose of the paper and conclusion.
Answer the SLP questions clearly and provide necessary details.
Provide a quality argument; that is, no poor sentence structure, no spelling and grammar mistakes or run-on sentences.
Provide citations to support your argument and references on a separate page. Please use APA format to provide citations and references [ ;].
Answer all the SLP questions in an essay format instead of point format. Please do not type questions in the paper.
Type and double space the paper.
The following criteria will also be used to assess your paper:
>Breadth (comprehensive quality of written paper)
>Depth (deepness of thought)
>Precision (doing what asked to do)
>Clarity (clearness of thought)
Critical thinking (application of logic and intellectual criteria such as clarity, creditability, accuracy, precision, relevance, depth, breadth, and significance)
SLP Readings: (2010). American Stock Exchange. Retrieved November, 2010, from
Kyle (2010). Which Vanguard International Index Fund Is Best? Retrieved November, 2010, from (2010). How to pick the Best Noload Mutual Funds and ETFs. Retrieved November, 2010, from
Russell, L. (2010). 7 Scientific Mutual Fund and ETF Screening Criteria. Retrieved November, 2010, from