Important piece of knowledge

CIS 499


Course Summation” Please respond to the following:

Describe the most important piece of knowledge that you gained during this course.

Discuss ways you plan to apply what you learned in this course in your current or future position

2. . Role of CIO” Please respond to the following:

The role of CIO is the most influential capacity in the IT organization. Identify what you believe are the most important characteristics and qualities of successful CIOs.

Of the characteristics and qualities you identified above, reflect on those you have and those you still need to acquire in your professional career.

CIS 110

3. From the lessons and conceptual ideas presented in this course, determine the single most impactful or interesting lesson/concept you have learned. Provide a rationale for your response.

MKT 325

4. Takeaways”

Please respond to the following:

What are your top three (3) takeaways from this course?

How do you think you will use them in your current or future career endeavors?

When finished, respond to at least two (2) other peer’s posts.

SOC 105

5. “Social Networks, Social Interactions, and Exchange of Ideas and Reflection”

From the Activity, take a position on this statement: People who resist using online social networks such as Facebook and Twitter are an unusual minority in this country. Support your position with one or two examples.

Reflect: Discuss the value of seeing an issue from different, and often opposing, points of view and the skills and knowledge you gained from taking this course.

RESPOND to another student’s comments.

SOC  450

6. Making It Personal

This course studied the major threats to global well-being. In the readings, media, and assignments, you were challenged to consider your stand on the issues covered each week. In your personal life, what global issue (if any) affects you most today?  

Reflect and share the steps you can take to prevent this issue from coming closer to home.

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