important period of feudal China

The 1,400-year period between Tang and Qing is a very important period of feudal China undergoing both ups and downs, prosperity and adversities, and glory and humiliations…  Share with us your thoughts, comments on at least one of the following topics/questions.

  1. Watch the video “The Cosmopolitan Tang” (if you can find it in the local libary) and summarize it. In case you cannot find this video, watch Video #2, #5, #7 or #8 on the College’s Library Reserved Shelf (righ-click to download), and summarize it. If you do not have easy access to any of these, watch or, and then share your thoughts with the class.
  2. What’s the significant change in Song China’s policy as compared to that of the Tang Dynasty? Any reasons?
  3. Read the book “1421 – The Year China Discovered America” (and/or visit the website,  and then share with us your comments on Gavin Menzies’ discoveries.
  4. Relate the causes that led to the Opium War?

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