Identify who/what you believe to have been the three most important individuals, events, or phenomena that have shaped modern society.

Length: About 4-5 pages
Margins: One inch all sides; double-spaced
Font: 10,11 or 12 point font; Times Roman, Arial or Courier
No header other than your name

Identify who/what you believe to have been the three most important individuals, events, or phenomena that have shaped modern society. Your focus should be on evaluative content rather than summative in nature. To conclude your writing assignment – identify the individual, event or phenomena of the last five years that you believe will hae the greatest impact on society – as measured 200 years from now. Explain and rationalize your answer – using strong logical inference.

You are expected to use at least 3 sources (not Wikipedia) and submissions without a bibliography/sources cited will be scored as a zero. You may use APA or MLA styles.

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