HW08: Engineering Careers – Compare and Contrast the required and desirable knowledge and skills listed in the 5 job postings

This assignment is due at the beginning of next class.

  1. Read the documents posted on Bb Learn:

–    Engineering_Disciplines_Handout

  • Lists useful information about the different disciplines

–    Engineering fields

  • An descriptive overview of engineering disciplines
  • Be sure to review Table 1-1 regarding career paths
  1. Visit the following websites:

–     http://tryengineering.org/explore-engineering/become-engineer

  • Read about your major
  • If currently undecided, read about Civil, Computer, Electrical, Environmental, and/or Mechanical (majors offered at NAU)

–     https://www.bls.gov/ooh/architecture-and-engineering/home.htm

  • Additional information about engineering occupations
  1. Now, log into LOUIE, and read the course descriptions of classes in your major.

–    In LOUIE, select the “Search” tab and then the “browse course catalog” tab.

–    Engineering courses are found in these areas:

  • CENE – Civil and Environmental Engineering
  • CM – Construction Management
  • EE – Electrical Engineering
  • EGR – General Engineering
  • ME – Mechanical Engineering

– For more detailed instructions on how to find the course catalog, follow this link:  https://nau.edu/its/learn/coursecatalog/

  1. Find 5 engineering jobs that are interesting to you:

–    http://www .engineerjobs.com/

–     http://engineering.careerbuilder.com/

–     http://www.engineeringjobs.net/

  1. Prepare and submit a table containing the following information for each job:

–    the title of the position,

–    the URL of the website,

–    the description of the position, and

–    required level of education / experience.

Compare and Contrast the required and desirable knowledge and skills listed in the 5 job postings.

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