Express your views on understand Principal-Agent theory. What are some inherent areas of concern?

Six question answerer them separately as 1 to six, however upload one file, each about 2/3 a page.

  1. Express your views on understand Principal-Agent theory. What are some inherent areas of concern?
  2. Explain how the grouping of activities helps to attain program objectives. How do they apply in public management?
  3. Look for commonalities among theories. Are there some common theories among the public sector? Do management theories help us understand and evolve in public management
  4. Discuss how one can recognize the merit system principles and prohibited personnel practices. Focus on the various mandates for personnel within the public sector and how those practices may need to be re-examined. Explain how the grouping of activities helps to attain program objectives. How do they apply in public management?
  5. Discuss your thoughts on how the government handles emerging information technology. Should there be some form of control?
  6. Examine the relationship between managers and those responsible for providing information. Is there a disconnect within the public sector?

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