Exploring Reliability and Validity

Choose two of the three manuals provided below:

-15 Factor Questionnaire Technical Manual

-Jung Type Indicator Technical Manual

-Values and Motives Questionnaire: The Technical Manual

You will analyze the research results provided from two of the three test manuals provided above. To receive full credit for this assignment, be sure to:

1.Explain the types of reliability and validity used.
2.Note any areas of concern and strength (e.g., low coefficients, or weaknesses, and high coefficients, or strengths). You should be able to identify the proper category of low, acceptable, and high ranges of coefficients. Tell which ones may be problematic.
3.Articulate how sample size and nature of population may influence the constructs purportedly measured by the test, observing any strengths and weaknesses in these areas.
4.Form an opinion or each test using the information you provide in your report.

Criteria Points Possible Points Earned
Student explains the types of reliability and validity used. 25
Areas of concern and strength are noted. For example, there is a discussion of low coefficients, or weaknesses, and high coefficients, or strengths. Student is able to identify the proper category of low, acceptable, and high ranges of coefficients. 25
The paper articulates how sample size and nature of population may influence the constructs purportedly measured by the test, observing any strengths and weaknesses in these areas. 25
Using the information conveyed in the report, the student forms an opinion regarding the quality of the test. 25
Total: 100

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