Explain a situation in which you’ve been a consumer and been asked for personal information prior to checkout. (For example, certain retailers ask for your phone number before ringing you up.) Did you respond truthfully? Did it bother you?

  1. Read the Wal Mart case and answer the question on the bottom of the page. Make answers clear. There has to be more than a few sentences on these answers.
  2. Using pages 201-203 of your book as a guide, conduct a SWOT analysis for the business you’re writing the business plan for. List out separately the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats associated with your business/industry. Then analyze your SWOT based on the guidelines shown at the bottom of page 202. Explain how you came up with the combination and what it means to your business.

  3. As discussed in Chapter 10, there are many reasons behind Customer Relationship Management. Explain a situation in which you’ve been a consumer and been asked for personal information prior to checkout. (For example, certain retailers ask for your phone number before ringing you up.) Did you respond truthfully? Did it bother you?

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