Forum 3 Discussion
Choose 1 for your thread:
- In Module/Week 4, you read 3 articles and viewed 4 videos; the content for these discuss a variety of trauma that those in the military might experience, and the resulting effects. In your thread, you are to discuss how each of the major categories of trauma hinders veterans from returning to their previous life (employment, relationships, education, spirituality). Be sure to cite your sources and you MUST include information from each of the assigned articles and videos in order to earn full credit for this Discussion Board Forum.
- In Module/Week 5, you read 2 articles and watched 1 video; the content for these discuss disabilities, loss, grief, and spirituality. In your thread, you are to discuss at least 2 circumstances resulting from combat which cause the sense of grief and loss. Explain how spirituality and religion affect such issues. Be sure to cite your sources and you MUST include information from each of the assigned articles and videos in order to earn full credit for this Discussion Board Forum.
Complete a reply to 1 classmate.
Submit your thread by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Thursday of Module/Week 5, and your reply by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Sunday of the same assigned module/week.
Brooks Context:
In 1944, my paternal grandparents received a telegram which read, in part:
“The Navy Department deeply regrets to inform you that your son Russell Brooks was killed while in the service of his country.”
Turns out my uncle was killed by a Kamikaze off the coast of the Philippines during the Battle of Leyte Gulf.
Dad tells me that a visit preceded the telegram. When Grandpa met the military officials at the front door, he asked, “Which one,” as he had two sons serving in WWII.
Indeed, many in the military community deal with loss and grief. As you respond to this thread, feel free to share a personal story to illustrate your points.