REL 203—Lesson 9 Essay Assignment
- Fisher mentions that Jesus preached a famous series of statements called the Beatitudes. The Beatitudes are found only in the gospels of Matthew and Luke. In light of her discussion on the Christian Bible (pp. 284–287), what are the probable origins of the Beatitudes? Explain your answer. (15 points)
- A contemporary theologian named Elizabeth Johnson has argued that Feminist Theology may be seen as a form of Liberation Theology. Based on Fisher’s presentation, what is the basis for making such an argument (i.e., how might the two be related or what do they have in common)? If you see no basis or relationship, present an argument for your position. (15 points)
- Discuss the formation and distinguishing characteristics of the Eastern Orthodox Church and the Protestant Reformation. (20 points)
- What struck you as the most interesting part of this chapter and why? Or, what did you learn about Christianity? Is there an issue you wish had been more thoroughly discussed? If so, what is it? (20 points)