Part 1 do a minimum 2 page APA format paper on the following:
Please do some basic research on Stoicism (more specifically Epictetus and Marcus Aurelius and Roman Stoicism- you will find the subject of Stoicism is very broad so zero in on these guys) then respond to the following question: Is is ethical to be indifferent to thing you cannot control? If you agree or disagree with Stoicism, please explain why. Finally, defend your view of Stoicism on issues such as world hunger, the current USA wars, or the spread of AIDS in Africa.
Part 2 do a minimum 2 page APA format paper on the following:
Do some basic research on Thomas Aquinas to be familiar with him… Aquinas, writing during the Middle Ages said, "The parts of things exist for the sake of the whole. If a person had an infected finger, and it was threatening to spread and kill the whole person, then it would be right and good to cut it off. By the same reasoning, the person who is dangerous and infectious to the community can be rightly killed to protect that community." Here are some types of questions I want you to reflect on regarding Aquinas’ quote and communalism (you don’t need to write about every question but these questions should give you enough to reflect on):
1. Do you agree with him? Why or why not?
2. Think about the groups you are part of: do you treat people Aquinas’ way? What kinds of action(s) warrant a person to be expelled from the group in this manner?
3. Now think about your family, which is a type of group. Would you treat a member of your family as Aquinas teaches? If not, what is the difference (i.e. why would you not expel your family member from the family? If you would, why? How "bad" would a sibling, spouse, or child need to be before, for the well-being of the entire family, you would need to expel them?)?
4. Finally, discuss Aquinas’ perspective in contrast to grace ethics (which you would need to study- it is simply the practice of offering grace to others). Which approach do you like better and why?
Part 3 do a minimum 2 page APA format paper on the following:
For this essay assignment, use the following five virtues; 1.) friendship, 2.) honesty, 3.) self-respect, 4.) courage,5.) altruism I believe to be be the most important and share, for each virtue, why you believe it is important to making ethical decisions. Virtue Ethics 1.) friendship, 2.) honesty, 3.) self-respect, 4.) courage,5.) altruism