Design Futures thinkers identify a practice that needs redirecting; entrepreneurs and researchers identify gaps, competitors, grants, trade fairs

Assignment 3: Mapping the Field [30% of total course marks]
From Course pro!le:
1,200 – 1,500 word report mapping and identifying your target industry, a place in industry for a designer
and/or a company that has a need.
Clearly identify the opportunity you plan to pursue [career research for job-hunters to map design !rms;
Design Futures thinkers identify a practice that needs redirecting; entrepreneurs and researchers identify
gaps, competitors, grants, trade fairs].
Report must include a map/visualisation of research area.
What is expected of you
You may choose to tackle this assignment in any one of three ways:
1.Identify you own goal for employment
What do you really wish to do when you graduate? Research the topic, explore the opportunities,
assess what knowledge and skills you need, and explain how you will achieve your goal.
2. Use Assignment 2 Report as a springboard
You have already identi!ed a range of possibilities in Assignment 2. If you wish to continue to
pursue these after university, then research further where it could take you. Explore possibilities,
and maybe you !nd there are opportunities that take a direction tangential to that you had
originally envisaged.
3. Focus on a speci!c aspect of Assignment 2 Report
See this as a chance to revisit, re!ne and improve an aspect of the group report. Allow your
previous report to inform your paper. Individually, select a particular aspect on which to focus. For
example: identifying, creating and maintaining supply chains; attracting & keeping clients;
branding; cash “ow, etc.
As well as the typed report, provide an infographic [graphic/diagrammatic representation].
You may wish to refer to the readings to suggest how unlikely situations may be turned to
advantage, and for ways of turning ideas into actual business opportunities.
Criteria & marking
1. The quality of the research undertaken 15%
The information upon which you base your assumptions may be obtained from a range of sources.
How relevant this information is will depend on the questions you ask and the sources you use. For
example, !gures taken from a popular magazine or taken off the web, with no reference as to how
they were obtained, would not be of the quality of those taken from the Australian Bureau of
Statistics [ABS] website.
2. Clearly identi!ed opportunity 25%
Use the 5w’s and an H: Who? What? When? Where? Why? How?
Who is doing it? Who could be doing it? Who isn’t doing it?
What is the opportunity?—be quite speci!c
When is it happening?
Where is it happening/could happen? Where isn’t it happening?
Why is it being done, why is it successful, why are some people doing this and others not?
How is it being done? How could it be done or done better?
3551QCA Design Business Practice. Semester 2, 2013. Expansion of Brief: Assessment item #3
3. Actionable steps 25%
The details in Section 2 [above] should help you identify these and help you to itemise them. Adapt
these questions to actionable outcomes, e.g. Who should I contact?
Provide a timeline. Consider costs [a budget]. Again, referring to the 5W+H, you may be asking
yourself questions such as will you have to move location?
4. Credibility of report 25%
Is the information believable and persuasive? This will relate to the evidence you provide and may
include factual histories and accounts of career opportunities, statistical details, interviews, maybe
actual !rst hand knowledge, etc.. Unsubstantiated personal opinion will not be given any credence.
5. Clarity of writing 10%
You need to communicate your ideas clearly and concisely. Focused writing without waffle and
without repetition. Structure your report into short sections. Provide a conclusion that draws the
different strands together and provides a strong closing statement.

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