A court report essay from business law class

This is a court report essay from business law class, so make sure to use some law terminology in this paper, and I need at least 3 sources in this writing..
Here is the requirement:
1:There is a wide variety of counts within three miles of USF(our school), the information as to various facts, locations, and telephone numbers was accurate at time of writing, but these may have changed. Please verify prior to going.
My notes: okay, this part need some real information, but I didn’t go to court myself, so you may make up them yourself, but make sure to use the real court location, court name and the telephone number on the paper. And it would be better if you can find a real case to write about.
2: the court information:
Criminal Divisions of Superior Court: located at hall of justice on the 2nd and 3rd floors at 850 bryant st, san Francisco and the phone number is 415-553-1896, working hours are approximately from 8 am to 5 pm, trials have usually gotten underway Thursday and Fridays with the jury being seated on Mondays, and the arguments beginning on Mondays or Tuesdays.
Federal District Court: located at 450 golden gate. The clerks` office is on the 16th floor they will have the court calendar for the day. The courtrooms are on the 16th, 17th and 18th floor. The courts are in session from 9am to 4 pm Monday-Friday, phone: 415-522-2000
My note: this is the two courts that you are able to pick. Or you may use other court, but please use the real information which including the address and phone number, and the dates as well.
3: we need to apply: consider no only the law as we have defined in class, but also what you think the law should be: was the fair in the situations you saw? Should things be done differently? How skilled did the attorneys appear to be? How did the judge act? Would you be satisfied of you were the defendant or plaintiff (or victim)? Also, anything else you impacts you from the experience is fair to include in your writing. I think you will find the experience enlightening, and perhaps even worrisome.
I would like to have the forms back with at least three cases noted
Court project report should look like this :
Your name:
Court visited:
Days and times

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