Compare and Contrast: architects “Vitruvius, Filippo Brunelleschi, Michelangelo Andrea, Palladio Francesco, Borromini , Lorenzo, Bernini.”

Biographical Essay: (10% of final grade)

Research two of the following influential architects and write an essay (minimum 4 pages) comparing and contrasting their work and contributions.  You must cite in a bibliography a minimum of three vetted resources listed in APA style listed in alphabetical order by last name of author.  Examples:

  1. Book:   Arnheim, R. (1971). Art and visual perception. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press
  2. Internet Source:   Author, A. A. (2007). Title of work. Retrieved month day, year, from source

Essay will be graded on content, punctuation, spelling and grammar.  Essay should be typed, double spaced, minimum 4 pages.


Filippo Brunelleschi


Andrea Palladio

Francesco Borromini

Lorenzo Bernini

Inigo Jones

Sir Christopher Wren

Benjamin Henry LaTrobe

Thomas Jefferson
Richard Morris Hunt
Louis Sullivan

Henry Hobson Richardson

Antoni Gaudi

Charles Rennie Mackintosh

Walter Groupius

Frank Lloyd Wright
Mies Van Der Rohe
Le Corbusier
Frank Gehry

Philip Johnson

Richard Meir

I.M. Pei

Michael Graves

Robert Venturi

Ole Scheeren

Zaha Hadid

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