ASSIGNMENT 3 The Endless Voyage Lesson 9 –12
20 points
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Going to Extremes
9-1. Compare and contrast Antarctic oceanic waters to Arctic oceanic waters? Which calves more icebergs and why?
9-2. Research a polar explorer and briefly summarize his/her contribution to the field of marine science:
9-3. Compare and contrast a coral reef ecosystem to a tropical rainforest. Do you see more similarities or more differences?
9-4. Why are nutrients more limiting in the tropics, while it is light that regulates polar productivity more that nutrient availability?
9-5. What are three threats to coral reef ecosystems and for each, what is one way to combat these threats?
Something in the Air
Something in the Air
10-1. What are some of the possible consequences of an increase in ocean temperature?
10-2. Name three factors responsible for the three wind bands in each hemisphere. What is the major driving force that sets up these wind bands across the planet?
10-3. What does the atmosphere have to do with the concern of acidification of the ocean waters?
10-4. Briefly descrive the carbon cycle and in particular the dynamics between the atmosphere and ocean parts.
10 – 5. What is pleuston versus neuston (hint : find information on Physalia and Vellella) – What is Halobates considered?
Going with the Flow
Going with the Flow
11-1. Describe the difference between surface currents and deeper water currents.
11- 2. What is the fastest moving current in the world?
11-3. What is El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) and how might it affect our local weather?
11-4. Look on the internet and learn how the Peruvian economy (anchovies/guano) was negatively affected as a result of an El Niño event. Has this economy improved, stayed the same, or not returned sine that event?
11- 5. What is upwelling? Is there a difference between coastal and oceanic upwelling?
Deep Connections
12- 1. If cold water from the polar ocean had not been at the surface at some point in geological time, what element would not be present in the deep sea (and therefore not much life would be able to exist there?).
12- 2. Describe some technologies that have been used to study deep ocean circulation.
12- 3. Look on the internet and in your textbook for information about “whale falls”. How are these communities impacted by deep ocean currents?
12-4. What does it mean to say the ocean currents act like a giant conveyor belt?
12-5. What is a geostrophic flow and how does it affect the ocean?