The assessment of teachers in Saudi Arabia.
* Research Proposal, Sections 1 and 2 – due October
The first draft of the research proposal paper will include: (a) an introduction to the topic and issue that will form the impetus for the study; (b) key background information and conceptual framework for the study; (c) a description of the problem (based on what is not already known on the broader problem or issue that frames the study) to focus the study; (d) a description of the purpose for the study (how the study will address the problem); (e) the research questions that will shape the research design; (f) the significance for the study (how the findings will be important and make a contribution to the field); (g) definitions, if needed.
Format for Full Research Proposal as Described in Assignments
- Introduction to the Study: 3 pages – A brief 1-3 sentences that let the reader know that this is a proposal for a qualitative study about…
- Overview of the study topic and issue – citations
- Key background information and concepts that frame the issue that this study addresses (i.e. the Conceptual Framework for the study) and – citations
- Focus of the Study: 4 pages
- The Problem which focuses this study (Summarize what is already known from previous research and how that creates a practical problem. Then, discuss the researchable problem derived from a current hole in the research literature on the practical problem) – citations
- The Purpose which guides the investigation (The way that this research will address the hole in the research, i.e. the researchable problem) – citations
- The Research Questions and how they address the researchable problem and purpose
- The Rationale for and the Significance of the Study (What new knowledge or understanding this study will yield and how that new knowledge/understanding might be important or useful) – citations
- Definition of Terms (if needed) – citations
- Review of the Literature and Conceptual Framework: 3-4 pages
- For this class, you will not develop the literature review; instead,
- For this section, you will use your conceptual framework (graphic) and to develop an outline of how you would construct a literature review that provides a scholarly “brief” for the study.
- You will also create a one-page introduction and overview of the literature review section to let the reader know what the literature review will accomplish and how it will be organized
- Methodology: 6-7 pages
- Research Design – the research tradition/methodology you will apply to the study design and why – citations from course readings
- Sampling, Subjects, Access, and Setting – a detailed description of your Sampling approach; process and criteria for selecting participants; methods for accessing and securing participants; and your plans for interacting with participants (setting, conditions, etc.) – citations from course readings
- Data Collection Methods, Procedures, and Instrumentation – the actual methods you will use to collect data; your data collection procedures, and the sequence of data collection activities you will use to carry out your research design – citations from course readings
- Data Analysis Processes and Procedures: What approach you will use to analyze the data and why; plus how you will apply that approach to your data – citations from course readings
- The Researcher (discuss your connection to this work, subjects, and/or setting if appropriate)
- Delimitations and Limitations – what are the factors inherent to your research design that will impose limitations – citations
- References: additional pages as needed
- Appendices (Addendums): additional pages as needed
- Interview, focus group, and/or other data collection protocols
Final Research Planning Table