Art Critique Paper

This is an assignment to help you recognize visual elements and principles of design in works of art. For this assignment you are to discuss the form, content, and subject matter of a work of art and how they relate to each other.
You will not need to do additional research. This paper is based on your observations of the principles of design and visual elements from Chapters 3 and 4 and the discussion of form and content from Chapter 2. This is not a research paper. You need to discuss the form of the piece.
1. First, select ONE of the following listed works of art.
Goya’s The Third of May, 1808, fig. 20.4, pg. 327
Cole’s The Oxbow, fig. 20.6, pg. 329
Van Gogh’s The Sower, fig. 20.28, pg. 347
Picasso’s Damoiselles d’Avignon, fig. 21.8, pg. 361

Marshall’s Better Homes and Gardens, fig. 25.7, pg. 435

  1. Second, discuss its form: put into words a description of what you see using the terms
    below. Describe how each visual elements and principle of design is used within the piece.

  2. Then, analyze the meaning. Analyze the visual elements and principles of design to
    interpret what the content, or meaning of the work is. Discuss how the form expresses the
    content, or meaning, of the piece.

Outline of Visual Elements and Principles of Design

Follow the outlined list of terms below – in order – and simply fill in your response to each bold term
Each term is in bold type. The additional information included in the outline is there to help you with your observations.

Visual Elements

A. Line  What types of lines do you see in the piece? Provide examples
Actual and Implied Line
B. Shape  What types of shapes do you see? Provide examples.
1. Geometric Shapes
2. Organic Shapes
C. Mass is mass actual or implied? How is it implied?
D. Space how is space created in the piece?
1. Two-Dimensional Space
2. Illusion of Depth – Implied Depth
a. Overlapping, Diminishing Size, Vertical Placement
3. Perspective
a. Linear perspective
b. Atmospheric or Aerial Perspective
E. Time and Motion is time or motion evident?
3. Implying Motion if evident, how is it implied?
4. Actual Motion
F. Light  how is the illusion of light created?
1. Seeing Light
– Value (or tone)
2. Implied Light
– Chiaroscuro
– Strong Value Contrasts
– Minimal Value Contrasts
3. Light as Medium
G. Color – is color important in the piece? How is it used?
H. Texture actual or implied?

Principles of Design

A. Unity and Variety
B. Balance  how is balance created?
1. Symmetrical Balance or Asymmetrical Balance
C. Emphasis and Subordination  what is the focal point?
1. Emphasis  what is emphasized?
2. Subordination  what is subordinated?
D. Directional Forces do lines or repeated elements create paths for the eyes to follow?
E. Contrast  any variation of value, color, or scale, for example, creates contrast.
F. Repetition and Rhythm
G. Scale and Proportion

Your paper will be graded based on the following characteristics.

Your discussion of each term will be evaluated and given a point value between 1 and 6 points.
Your analysis will be given a point value between 1 and 10 points.

Your paper should be a minimum of 1 page long single spaced, or a minimum of 2 pages double spaced, not including images, which are not required. Type size should not exceed 12 points. You do not have to write this in formal style, you can provide the term, then, respond to how that element is used. Proofread your paper: proper grammar and spelling count. Spell check doesn’t catch everything!

Grade Criteria
Form: There are 15 terms to cover; each is worth 6 points for a total of 90 points. Any term not addressed will receive 0 points. Provide specific examples. For example, don’t just say there are lines, give specific examples. **You will receive 1-6 points for each term, based on your response.
Analysis: Your discussion of the meaning is worth 10 points.

General Characteristics of an  term responses — 6 points
1. Concrete and relevant terms used
2. Meaningful determinations based on insightful and personal observations
3. Superior analysis of theme / artwork
4. Clearly outstanding use of terminology

General Characteristics of  term responses — 5 points
1. Fluency, clarity, and accuracy of special vocabulary and use of terminology
2. Effective structure of theme and analysis of artwork
3. Full understanding of approach undertaken
4. Exposition of analysis in analytical manner

General Characteristics of  term responses — 4 points
1. Clarity and appropriate grammar usage and use of terminology
2. Reasonable organization of thesis
3. Logical assumptions

General Characteristics of  term responses — 3-0 points
1. Response is not clear, poor to no use of terminology, very brief.
2. Poor organization
3. Incorrect assumptions

Remember, there are 15 terms to cover; each is worth up to 6 points for a total of 90 points. Any term not addressed will receive 0 points. Your analysis, the discussion of the meaning, is worth 10 points.

Submit your paper to the course drop box.
– How to submit your paper to the dropbox:

I can open Word documents but I am unable to open .wps, and .wpd documents. If you use any of these applications I need you to send your paper in rich text format (.rtf).

Here’s how to convert it:
You need to open your paper, go to ‘file’ and select ‘save as,’ then go to the drop-down menu and select ‘rich text format’ and you’re done! Label it with a .rtf at the end.


I am sending you a sample paper.Plz plz plz donot copy paste. I will fax the pictures from my book by tomorrow when i get to work so writer can start working on it.Thanks.
My book name is:
Prebles Artforms (with CD and MyArtsLab Access). Frank. 10th Edition, 2011. Prentice Hall, Inc.
ISBN: 978-0-205-02696-8

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